Mario So

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How to Use Focus Bracketing on the Sony A7RV

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Hey there, fellow creatives! Mario here, and I'm back with another exciting feature that might just change the way you capture those picture-perfect moments. Today, we'll be diving into the fantastic world of focus bracketing, a hidden gem in the Sony A7 R5 that not many people have been talking about.

What is Focus Bracketing and Why Do You Need It?

Focus bracketing is a powerful tool that allows you to automatically capture multiple shots at different focus points. This nifty feature can be a game-changer, especially when you want everything in your photo to be tack-sharp, from the foreground to the background.

Imagine you're out in nature, capturing a stunning landscape, or photographing intricate details of a product. You want it all in focus, but achieving that can be quite challenging. Stopping down your aperture to f/18 or f/22 might help, but it could lead to some loss of resolution due to diffraction in high-resolution cameras.

Moreover, every lens has a "sweet spot," the aperture at which it performs at its sharpest. Usually found two to three stops down from the maximum aperture, this sweet spot varies from lens to lens. So, it becomes a bit of a balancing act to get the perfect sharpness while considering diffraction and the lens's sweet spot.

That's where focus bracketing swoops in to save the day!

Sony A7RV - Built-in Focus Bracketing

Now, you might be wondering, "What's so special about the Sony A7 R5's focus bracketing?" Well, the Sony A7RV brings this sought-after feature right into the camera, making it super convenient and effortless to use. No more worrying about manually adjusting focus or using an external focusing rail.

However, it's essential to note that while focus bracketing is done in-camera, the real magic happens during post-processing. After capturing your series of images with different focus points, you'll need to bring them into software like Photoshop or Helicon Focus to blend them together. But don't worry, it's easier than it sounds!

Using Focus Bracketing on the Sony A7RV

To use this fantastic feature, head over to your camera's settings:

  1. Access the menu and switch to the shooting mode.

  2. Go to Drive Mode and select "Bracket Settings."

  3. Under "Focus Bracket Settings," set the "Focus Bracket Order" to your preference.

  4. Choose the "Exposure Smoothing" based on your shooting needs.

  5. Set the "Shooting Interval" to the desired value (shortest is a good starting point).

  6. Decide where to save the focus bracketing shots (creating a new folder is often a good choice).

With your settings in place, you're ready to start shooting! Just select your subject, set your aperture to optimize your lens's sharpness (consult the lens's sweet spot), and let the camera do the rest.

Post-Processing the Magic - Blending Focus Bracketing Images

Once you have your series of images with different focus points, it's time to bring them into your favorite post-processing software. In our example, we'll use Photoshop, but you can also try Helicon Focus or other similar software.

  1. Import all your photos into Lightroom or any image management software.

  2. Right-click on the images and open them as layers in Photoshop.

  3. With all layers selected, go to "Edit" > "Auto-Align Images" to ensure perfect alignment.

  4. Then, again with all layers selected, go to "Edit" > "Auto Blend Layers," and choose "Stack Images" with the "Tone" checkbox selected.

Voilà! Photoshop will work its magic, aligning and blending the focus from all your shots, giving you an image that's sharp from front to back.


In conclusion, the built-in focus bracketing feature on the Sony A7RV opens up new creative possibilities for photographers. Whether you're into landscapes, architecture, product photography, or macro shots, focus bracketing will elevate your images to new levels of sharpness and detail.

It's incredible that Sony decided to include this feature in the A7RV, and we can only hope they bring it to other camera models through firmware updates. Until then, we're grateful for the A7RV's capabilities.

So, if you're a Sony A7RV owner and haven't explored focus bracketing yet, I highly recommend giving it a try. And if you're using other camera models or know of different software that can do the job, feel free to share your experiences and insights in the comments below.

Happy shooting, and until next time!